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Turning Stone Counseling Spreading Kindness and Cheer in Anne Arundel County

By Nicole Donnelly

For Suicide Prevention Month, our friends at Turning Stone Counseling decided to paint rocks with inspiring messages and hide them throughout the community.

Lauren Gross, Office Manager at Turning Stone Counseling, says, "It's a fun way to spread a little joy, and how great would it be for a person who is feeling down and lonely to find a cute little rock that says "You Matter?" We will be hiding them in random places throughout the area....parks, playgrounds, shopping centers, etc. They can keep it for themselves, or re-hide it for someone else to find. We hope that finding one of our rocks will brighten someone's day, or better yet, inspire them to paint & hide rocks of their own!"

The counselors at Turning Stone have also incorporated the project into their therapy sessions, painting rocks with their clients. Afterward, they request their clients take a walk and hide their rock somewhere in their neighborhood.

What a great way to spread kindness and cheer in our community! Thank you, Turning Stone!


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