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Tips To Create Good Homework Habits

By Katy Agro Myers

School is back in session and I don't know about you, but homework is already coming home. Struggling to take a break, get a snack, play, and get to sports AND find time for homework is already becoming a source of stress. Follow these tips to create good homework habits:

Set up a Routine and Good Space: Whether your child likes to take a break after school before starting homework or wants to get right to work and have downtime later, try to stick to the same daily routine. Make sure your child works in an organized, quiet space that’s free from electronics or noisy family activities that can be distracting.

Be Involved: Helping your kids plan and organize their homework is a great way to be involved without actually doing the work for them. If they have problems, help them figure out how to look for solutions. Let kids have a choice in the order they want to work on tasks. If they are older and can read well, try helping them use an agenda book or planner to map out the assignments.

Take Breaks: Know your child’s attention span. For kids who have a lot of homework or during longer projects, develop a plan that involves taking short breaks after completing a section or task. Aim for quick, active breaks that can end naturally after a few minutes, such as getting a drink or playing with a pet. Avoid activities that can lead to arguments when break time is over, such as starting up a videogame or TV show. Use a timer to help kids know when breaks start and end!

Focus on "first-then" statements, such as “First finish your math homework, then you can watch a show, “ or “First we will work together on 5 spellings words, then we will take a break for a snack." Praise your child for their work focusing on the effort they’re showing rather than how many items they got right or wrong.

Keep Open Communication: Try to communicate regularly with your child’s teacher about expectations and ask for feedback on your child’s progress.

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