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Now Registering - Big Birthday Guide

By Katy Agro Myers

We are switching up our format this year and we're happy to offer you a comprehensive listing that includes an ad, brief description, links to your social media, contact information and a special offer opportunity for Arundel Kids' families!

We regularly see moms asking in groups on social media about recommendations and we're excited to put together this list in one central location! We can't wait to promote your business to thousands of area families.

The guide will run on our website for 12 months beginning at the start of June and featured on social media (Facebook and Instagram) monthly. It will be distributed in our weekly newsletter to thousands of parents at least six times throughout the year.

****Pricing below features our BRAND NEW EARLY BIRD PRICING. Prices for guide listings will increase $50 on April 20th. Registration ends Monday, May 15th to be included in the Anne Arundel County Big Birthday Guide, Questions? Email for more info!



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