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Annapolis Recreation & Parks Summer Camps

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Summer Camp registration is underway!

Annapolis Recreation and Parks offers exciting and well-planned camps for your child to attend throughout the summer. Annapolis Recreation and Parks summer camps are for youth ages 4-17. If your child is a "Pip" Moyer Recreation Center (PMRC) Member, they receive a $10 discount per session. Campers need to bring a non-perishable lunch and drink on Fridays. However, some camps provide breakfast and lunch (please ask when registering for a specific camp). All information is included on the forms. In order to be successfully registered for camp, all requested forms must be completed and submitted with payment.

You can learn more about the individual camps at! Your child will enjoy the season filled with friends, fun and laughter. We look forward to seeing you! Summer Camp information is on pages 8 and 9 of the Spring 2023 Program Guide.



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