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97 Non-Candy Stocking Stuffer Ideas for the Entire Family

By Nicole Donnelly

We try not to load our kids' Christmas stockings with candy, especially since we still have Halloween candy hanging around! I know you moms can commiserate with me on this: it is so hard to think of ideas for everyone in the family!

We've got a few ideas for you - happy stocking stuffer hunting!

For the Kids:

  1. Army men

  2. Band aids

  3. Baseball cards

  4. Bubbles

  5. Coloring book

  6. Craft kit

  7. Crayons

  8. Deck of cards

  9. Markers

  10. Glowsticks

  11. Granola Bars

  12. Index Cards

  13. Jump rope

  14. Kaliedoscope

  15. Kazoo

  16. Keychain

  17. Krazy Straw

  18. Lego Kit

  19. Magnifying Glass

  20. Matchbox Car

  21. Microwave Popcorn

  22. Movie Tickets

  23. Nightlight

  24. Ornament

  25. Pacifier

  26. Pencils

  27. Pens

  28. Play-Doh

  29. Post-it Notes

  30. Puzzle Books

  31. Rainbow Loom Bands

  32. Sidewalk Chalk

  33. Silly Putty

  34. Silly String

  35. Small puzzle

  36. Stickers

  37. Temporary Tattoos

  38. Toothbrush

  39. Top

  40. Yoyo

For Mom:

  1. Bath Bubbles

  2. Bath salts/scrubs

  3. Book

  4. Candle

  5. Change purse

  6. Chapstick

  7. Coasters

  8. Coffee

  9. Corkscrew

  10. Dish towels

  11. Earrings

  12. Flower Seeds

  13. Handwritten Note

  14. Hairbrush

  15. Hairclips

  16. Hand Sanitizer

  17. Lipgloss

  18. Lotion

  19. Magnets

  20. Nail File

  21. Nail Polish

  22. Pack of Thank You Cards

  23. Pack of Tissues

  24. Perfume

  25. Picture Frames

  26. Razors

  27. Slipper Socks

  28. Sunglasses

  29. Tea bags

  30. Tea infuser

  31. Travel Sewing Kit

  32. Water Enhancers

  33. Wine bottle stopper

For Dad:

  1. Beer koozie

  2. Bike lock

  3. Bottle opener

  4. Car air fresheners

  5. Cologne

  6. Deodorant

  7. Duct tape

  8. Earbuds

  9. Emergency Glasses Repair Kit

  10. Flash drive

  11. Flashlight

  12. Gift cards

  13. Gloves

  14. Hat

  15. Lottery Tickets

  16. Luggage Tags

  17. Paper Weight

  18. Shoelaces

  19. Socks

  20. Tire Pressure Gauge

  21. Travel First Aid Kit

  22. Travel Mug

  23. Wallet

  24. Watch



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